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    Principal-                                                                                                        -Main

   276.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH:I ask now for your help for my daughter Alexis to get her birth certificate. Please let her father contact her and help her to get this matter resolved. Please help Alexis to find a job or to decide to get training for a career. St. Joseph, please grant me a visible and speedy reply.
Thank you St. Joseph for responding to my call. 

   275.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: I ask for your help once again to find the right place for my home. I need to be sure that Plot No. 98 or 99 Hannah's Rest is the answer to my prayers. I trust your judgement in this matter. Please ask God to guide me and show me a sign. Please send someone who is honest and competent to help me with this project. I ask this from the Father in the Name of His Son Jesus Christ. Thank you St. Joseph for responding to my call. 

   274.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: that St. Joseph, my patron saint, prays for me and my family. That my dear St. Joseph guides me in bringing into my life the companionship of my soul mate who will be my husband. And that my dear St. Joseph assists me and intercedes in helping me get into graduate school/law school for the year 2002. Amen.

   273.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH:   dear St. Joseph, please help us to sell our house.  Also, please, help my husband to be able to go back to 1st shift.  Thank you St. Joseph for hearing my prayers.  Amen.

   272.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH:  please, pray for my husband to get a job that he will be happy in. Also please help us get a bigger house. Thank you Saint Joseph.

   271.- GLORIOSO SAN JOSÉ:  ruega a Dios por la salud de Bernabé Ascencio, un joven de 28 años que fue baleado a escasos metros de su casa para robarle su bicicleta, y se encuentra muy delicado, sólo un milagro puede salvarlo. ¡GRACIAS!

   270.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH:  please, pray that my family will be safe and healthy.  We are having some troubles and I pray God will help us.  Please, pray also, that we sell our house very soon and find a new one to live in.   Thank you.

   269.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH:  thank you  for all of the help you have given me in the past.  Please pray for my son, Joseph. He has left home and is involved with drugs.  He needs you desperately. Help him get his life straightened out.

   268.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH:   please, help my daughter in her relationship. Help the young man to be a loving,caring partner. Help him to see she loves him with all her heart and guide him to her with his love.

   267.- GLORIOSO SAN JOSÉ: sos mi santo protector, haceme ver tu ayuda en mis necesidades.-

   266.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH:  help us to sell our home, select a new home and continue our blessed life in a new state. 

   265.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: thank you for responding to my call. If Plot Number 9 Hannah's Rest is the answer to my prayers, please ask God to show me what to do. I need financial help for the downpayment on the property and to build the house. Please guide me to someone who will help me
honestly and competently with this project. I ask this from the Father in the name of His Son Jesus Christ. Thank you, St. Joseph. 

   264.- GLORIOSO SAN JOSÉ:  querido San José, te pido por tu intercesión. Que pueda mantener a mi familia con un empleo digno y juntos caminemos por el sendero que nos mostró Jesús, también te pido lo mismo para mis hermanos.

   263.- GLORIOSO SAN JOSÉ:  a mi buen Padre San José le entrego las necesidades de mi familia y de mi comunidad. Le pido la unidad.

   262.- GLORIOSO SAN JOSÉ:  te pido por favor ayudes a todas las personas que buscan tu auxilio. Gracias por tantas bendiciones que hemos recibido en nuestras vidas, especialmente nuestro hijo Christian que es nuestra felicidad, bendicelo senor. Te pido senor, ayudanos a mi esposo y a mi a vender nuestro Town House en Connecticut en el mes de Septiembre. Esta angustia nos tiene muy preocupados. Te pido por favor auxilianos en este momento de preocupacion por el que pasamos. Bendice tambien a este nuevo bebe que pronto vendra a nuestra familia..., mantennos siempre unidos junto a la gracia de Dios. En ti confio senor...

   261.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: please, pray for me as I am in great financial problems. I have until this month to clear all my loses.

   260.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH:  please, help me sell my homes to let me be able to help others. 

   259.- GLORIOSO SAN JOSÉ: pido que protejas a mi familia hoy y siempre, por que cada uno de ellos siempre tenga trabajo, a los que no lo tienen para que tú les repares uno para el sustento de cada uno de sus miembros y muy especialmente para que nos ayudes en este momento tan difícil por el está pasando mi esposo con su empresa para que tú, Glorioso San José, intercedas para que las cosas se resuelvan.

   258.- GLORIOSO SAN JOSÉ:  te pedimos, San José, que nuestra familia permanezca siempre unida en la fe y por la vocación a la vida consagrada de nuestro hijo.

   257.- GLORIOSO SAN JOSÉ: quiero pedir por todos los hermanos argentinos para que Jesús y la Virgen María intercedan ante Dios y no nos falte el trabajo. Gracias

   256.- GLORIOSO SAN JOSÉ:  te pido que guardes a mi familia, y la mantengas siempre unida. Te pido que me des la fuerza y la voluntad de superar los problemas por los que estoy pasando. Y te pido especialmente por Laura para que la ayudes y la protejas.

   255.- GLORIOSO SAN JOSÉ:  ruego recen por la salud de mis padres y la mía, ya que estamos atravesando por un momento muy dificil. Muchas gracias.
Que Dios les de el ciento por uno.

   254.- GLORIOSO SAN JOSÉ:   les ruego por favor pongan en su oraciones
a mi hijo José Alejandro Vargas Chavarría, ya que en estos días presenta el bachillerato y también su admisión a la Universidad ya que desea ingresar a la carrera de medicina, y necesita un promedio muy alto. El es un excelente estudiante y se ha preparado a conciencia durante meses, pero sabemos que sin la ayuda de Dios nada es posible y que  San José es nuestro protector y deseamos que se le ilumine su mente para que salga con bien de esta prueba.

   253.- GLORIOSO SAN JOSÉ:  quisiera pedir oraciones por el trabajo de mi familia, tanto el de mis padres como el de mi esposo y el mío, para que las familias minimamente tengan el sustento de cada día y puedan vivir dignamente...

   252.- GLORIOSO SAN JOSÉ: ruega por las familias Macera, Szpigiel, Macera, la Acción Católica global y argentina, la Argentina, sus padres y madres de familia.

   251.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: for mental, spiritual, bodily and emotional health and financial help.

   250.- GLORIOSO SAN JOSÉ: por favor les ruego oración por mi hermana, Patricia Pinillos de Arce quien tiene cáncer, para que el Señor en su infinita Misericordia le de salud y Fortaleza. Y por Zaida Franco, quien tiene cáncer también, Dios los bendiga y muchas gracias

   249.- GLORIOSO SAN JOSÉ: por favor, ruega por mí que tengo 30 años y soy madre de dos hermosos niños.  Soy muy enfermiza de todo me enfermo yo le he pedido mucho a Dios me conceda la gracia de sacar adelante a mis hijos y verlos crecer, ellos están muy pequeños, también soy muy dada a la desesperanza y a la depresión, gracias mil.

   248.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: please, help us sell our house and enter the next phase of our lives in love and harmony. Also, please help my mum to be strong after my dad's passing, and help her live the rest of her life surrounded by peace and love. Thank you St. Joseph, Amen. 

   247.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: at work there is a man of evil  who is trying to cross me out by spreading lies and deceit through blasphemy. To get me fired and make him look good. All of this is stemmed from me trying to bring him to the Lord and he has always refused because he would have to give up his devil worshiping music. Please find a way to get him out of my way so I can succeed and promote. Through Jesus everything is possible.

   246.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: please, St. Joseph, grant the prayers of everyone here.  Please help me to succeed and believe in myself and most of all, help me to trust in God and in you.  Please find me a wonderful husband and pray that I will do well in my language studies, that I will be fluent in several languages and please, please pray that I can see the entire world!  You know how badly I want to go everywhere and see everything.  Help me to have more than enough money to make sure my parents, friends and family are taken care of and spoiled rotten and so that I can do some good for those who need it and least expect it.

   245.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: please keep me strong St. Joseph and above all, help me to keep my sense of humor and the ability to see the funny side of things.  Please give me something to laugh about every day.  Sometimes it's the only thing that helps.

    244.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH:  please help the three of us lose weight.  Two of us are running the risk of diabetes and trying to lose weight is not an easy thing.  Please keep us patient, the scale on a downward spiral and bless us with good health and respect for our bodies throughout and after.

   243.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: please, pray for my dear mother who is constant pain in her back below her ribs. That she will be rid of this pain and she can be comforted. That her health will be restored to her. This is for June E. Perry.

   242.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH:you always hear and answer my prayers so here I come to you again asking you to help me give me confidence and strength to get this job and also please help me to always have some one to watch over my little girl and a way for me to get home from work everyday. May her grandparents be more active in her life and not always be wanting to play cards and rest. I ask this in your name. 

   241.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: O most  blessed St. Joseph,if you will  grant me the following requests I promise to promote devotion to you particularly by promoting new prayers to you.

1) To be able to sell our house for a good price.
2) To help us financially.
3) To convert my husband to the Catholic faith.
4) To bless us with children.
5) To help me in promoting devotion to you.
6) To help in finding a job where my husband and I can work together.
7) To grant us a happy, faithful and lifelong marriage in imitation of yours.

     In honor of you and to promote devotion to you I wish to offer the following new´ prayer to be said seven times. Will all who read this, please, offer this prayer with me to most blessed Joseph.

         The Hail Joseph.

Hail Joseph, full of grace,
the Lord is with Thee.
Blessed are thou among men,
and blessed is thy Son, Jesus.
Holy Joseph, virgin father of the Son of God,
pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death.


   240.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: please, pray for my family - Michael, Jennifer, Nick, Janae, Katie, Emily, Heather, Melissa, Reyes and Maggie. Please, help us in the sale of our home.  Please pray for our niece Megan whose recent pregnancy turns out for the best.  We are thankful that she has chosen life for her child.  Please, also pray for my son Nick and my daughter, Janae as they start a new school year. Also, please, pray for my friend, Michele - that she gets the job she is interviewing for tomorrow on August 9.  Please, pray for Sarah, my best buddy, that the purchase of her new home is blessed with love and friendship.  She deserves it.

   239.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: please, pray for us to sell our house in Illinois so we can return to our home in California and be with the rest of our family.    Thank you.

   238.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: please, dear St. Joseph help us sell our home to make us a family again.
N,H & K

   237.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: please, ask as in the prayer with the statuette that St. Joseph intercede to aid me in getting my life back in order and to watch over the sale of the property that in some ways is a root cause of some of my pain and affects on my marriage..I will continue to pray for his help..and I ask that you place a prayer on my behalf..I have prayed as asked for the nine days plus. Thanks.

   236.- GLORIOSO SAN JOSÉ, te ruego intercedas por mi matrimonio para que el deseo a la reconciliacion crezca en nuestros corazones.

   235.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: dear St. Joseph,  Please intercede for Mary. Help her to gain good honest employment for her and her family.  Give to her what is best for her. Please, St. Joseph we pray

   234.- GLORIOSO SAN JOSÉ, te suplico queridisimo Padre San Jose:  Intercede por mi para que me case con la persona que tanto estoy deseando.  Tu bien sabes quien es.  Te lo suplico por nuestro senor Jesucristo.  Que no diga que en vano te invoco.  Espero ansiosamente respuesta a esta peticion esta semana que entra.  Amen

    233.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH:please, help us in our dire time of need. We have been trying to sell our home for months now and we are at the end of the road as to what we can do.

   232.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: thank you for answering my prayer.

   231.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: please, kindly pray for the souls of my parents, my parents-in-law, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends who have departed this life. My wife and I request your prayers for all our children and for peace and happiness in the families of our married daughters and son. We thank God for all His blessings and pray for forgiveness.

   230.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: please, help us with the sale of our home.  We have been given so many blessings, and now we ask another..., please, help the right person find this place so that we can move on and be together as a family.

   229.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH:please, pray for my boyfriend's 3 children during the custody hearing has been ongoing for 3+ years and please, pray for him and me to continue our healthly and spiritual relationship.

   228.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: please, help my son and daughter-in  -law sell their house. Thank you

   227.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: I have met a man through the internet, and his name is Jaime Chiong. He has asked for my hand in marriage. I do not know him that well. Please, help me pray to be able to discern God's will for me. My family is wary about him because he is a widower with children and he is much older than I am. 

   226.- GLORIOSO SAN JOSÉ, te suplico: Padre José, ahora que te conozco quiero ser digno hijo tuyo. Se que me va a ser dificil olvidar todas las tentaciones de este mundo, pero también se que solo yo puedo
lograrlo. Te pido ayudes a mis hijas a conseguir lo que buscan, que nunca jamas les pase algo desagradable, que su mamá quien es mi gran amor, siga por la ruta que le esta trazando tu santisima esposa María. A mi hermano Jorge dale la salud y la tranquilidad de alma que necesita, a toda su familia que son mis sobrinos dales la comprensión para ser mas hijos y entiendan que solo ellos pueden ayudar a sus padres. A mi hijo Lucho que está viviendo en USA, protegelo de todo mal. Gracias gran señor.

   225.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: by your prayers I ask you to intercede for me and ask God to provide the land and money that I need to start building my home. Please, ask God to show me the right piece of land at the right price. Please, ask God to provide the money to begin building my home according to the plans He gave me. I ask this from the Father in the name of His son, Jesus Christ. Thank you, St. Joseph, for having responded to my call. Please, show me a sign to lead me to the answers God provides. 
C.A.M. in St. Croix

   224.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: most Holy St.Joseph, please, bring  me a good life partner, the same love, kindness, respect and patience that you gave to your family. Help my brother find job.

   223.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH:please, help those less fortunate than us and please, help us to sell our house in Tangerine.  We are struggling to have one home and to work near our home.  The other house is keeping us from being able to make our home what we need it to be and is draining us financially. May you bless our family with happiness and peace and help us to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Amen 

   222.- GLORIOSO SAN JOSÉ, te suplico:  mi santo patrón, ayude por favor a mi hija María Paz T.S. para que su pololo Juan F.C. la ame sinceramente y la perdone por las palabras que en un arrebato de rabia ella le dijo, ponga en el corazón de Juan F.C. un amor a toda prueba capaz de perdonar y déle un corazón como el suyo, ella está muy arrepentida. Ayúdela por favor para que Juan F.C la perdone, la siga amando, no se decepcione de ella la escuche la entienda y se reconcilien, con la voluntad de Dios, en el amor, en el perdón, en la comprensión, en la armonía y en la paz. Amén 

    221.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: please, help us to have peace in my condo building.  I pray for a quick sale of my property so that I can buy a home and enjoy peace and calmness and a lovely garden to relax in
that I can share with friends old and new. I pray for a smooth transition of properties.  Thank You - I Love You. 

   220.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: as husband, I am searching for a job I am recently dealing because where I've been working until nowadays, they don't have any more work for me.

   219.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: Please help me to sell my house in Tangerine.  I want to be able to make my new wife happy and make her home more livable.  She deserves better than I am able to do for her
with that house pulling me down and keeping me from being able to work on her place and spend more time with her. home.  The other house is causing me to spend money I need for her house and is draining me financially. Please help me to make my business a success also, so we can be more
help to our families. May you bless our family with happiness and peace 
and help us to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Amen 

   218.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: patron of workers, help me to find a job.

   217.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: please, help all these people in need of your help.  Some of their problems are so much greater than mine. I ask you to help us sell our house in the month of July and help us to buy the house that we have fallen in love with.  We are so ready to start a new life and want the kids to get settled before school starts. Please bring my husband the same love, kindness, respect and patience for his family that you gave to yours.  May you bless our family with happiness and peace
and help us to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Amen 

   216.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: please, help my daughter find her way. Please, also help our well to get water. 

   215.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: we had to sell our home & farm because of farm debt. Pray that we can have a home of our own. Only a miracle can help us. We are now living with our son. Thanks!

   214.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: dear lord please, help me find me a new  job so I can keep my life the way it was. And also please bless and give me lovely, beauty and humbly heart woman who will marry her!

   213.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: please, help me to get a professional job as I need it.  I ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Savior, amen.

   212.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: help my brother and I find jobs we want.

    211.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: dear lord please, help me find a new job so I can keep my life and my families the way it was.

   210.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: please, help us sell our home quickly and to have strength in our new move. Also please watch over my family.

      209.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: please, pray that my mother's house will sell and she will experience restoration and abundance. Thank you

     208.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: I humbly ask of you three things, if they be for the betterment of my soul and my wife's: 
1) To find a job suitable for me financially.
2) for the conversion of my wife to the faith.
3) for my continuation in the faith and strengthening.
If granted, I will do the thing you put on my heart! 
thank you very much, and I love you.

   207.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: we have been trying to sell our home for almost 10 months now with no success.  We are asking for your intercession so that our home will become marketable and sell as soon as possible.  Also, we are asking for prayer for our Son, so that he makes smart decision concerning his future.

   206.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: that my husband finds new employment soon, and that our house sells to pay off our debt.  Pray for our family.

   205.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: please, have our house sell by the end of this week and give us strength during our move.

   204.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: enough money to keep a roof over my head I got 2 notices to move.  I have no money , no job an no place to go, my blood pressure is up from  stressing about what is going to happen.

   203.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: pray for my daughter and son-in-law to sell their home next week. Amen.

   202.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH:please, pray that our family sells our home for the price we request and that my husband David be awarded the job and position he requested.  Our goal is to be close to family. Thank you.

   201.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: the grace to quit smoking for the benefit of my health and for the sake of my children.

   200.- GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH: please, help us sell our house and to be a strong happy family. Moving to a better life. Bless my family. 
                      Las peticiones anteriores aunque ya no se exhiben, permanecen en las oraciones diarias.
                      Former prayers requests will continue in the daily petitions even if they are not shown here.