First mystery: We contemplate Saint Joseph, THE
JUST MAN to the eyes of God. - (Mt. 1,18-21.24).
The birth of Jesus
Christ was like this:
Mary, her mother, was betrothed to Joseph
and even as they had not still lived together, a son was conceived in her
by work of the Holy Spirit.
Joseph, her husband that was a just man didn't want to denounce her openly
so he resolved to abandon her secretly.
While he was thinking this the Angel
of God appeared to him in dreams and told him: "Joseph,
son of David, don't fear to receive Mary, your wife, because what has been
engendered in Her comes from the Holy Spirit. She will give
birth to a son whom you will call Jesus, because He will clean His people
of all their sins."
All this happened so that
what God has announced by the prophet was fulfilled:
"The Virgin will conceive and she will give birth to a son whom you will
name Emmanuel that means: ' God - with - us'."
Upon awakening, Joseph made what the Angel of
God had ordered him and he received his wife in his house. And in
time she gave birth to a son whom Joseph put the name of JESUS.
Meditation: Saint
Joseph adhered in total trust to the project of God for him.
Do we let the Word of God and the Word of the Church guide us in
our options in life?. -
(Our Father, 10
Hail Mary, Glory. )
Second mystery: we contemplate Saint
of Holy Mary. (Lc. 1,34-38).
Mary then said to the Angel: "how can
I be a mother, if I don't cohabit with any man?". The
Angel answered:"The Holy Spirit will descend
on you and the power of the Most High will cover you with His Shade.
For that reason the Child will be Holy and will be called Son of
God. Also your cousin Elisabeth has conceived a son in spite her age, and
the one that was considered sterile is already in her sixth month
of pregnancy, because there is nothing impossible for God."
said then: I am the servant of the Lord, let it be to me as you have said."
And the Angel went away.
Meditation: Marriage, among baptized people, is a sacrament,
sign of the love between Christ and the Church. It is a road toward
Christian sanctity. It is lived as a Christian marriage when the dialogue,
the mutual love, the very procreation and the education of children
corresponds fully to the project of God expressed in the revealed Word
and in the teaching of the Church. The Sacred Family of Nazaret is for
all families model of union, domestic virtues and sanctity.
(Our Father, 10 Hail Mary, Glory. )
Third mystery we contemplate
Saint Joseph, THE TRUSTING EMIGRANT ,en the huída to
Egypt. (Mt. 2, 13-15).
After the departure of the Magi the Angel of God appeared in dreams
to Joseph and told him: "Get up, take
the Child and His mother and flee to Egypt where you will remain until
I warn you, because Herodes will try to kill Him." Joseph
rose at night, took the Child and His mother and left for Egypt.
There they remained until Herodes'
death, so that what God has announced
by the prophet was fulfilled: "From Egypt I called to
my Son."
Meditation: Christian parents must make their biggest effort to protect
their own children in the physical, moral and spiritual life. There are
many "Herodes" in today's world that can cause an immense harm especially
to young children.
(Our Father, 10 Hail Mary, Glory. )
Fourth mystery: we contemplate
Saint Joseph, THE WISE HEAD of the Sacred Family.
(Lc. 2,51-52; Mt. 13,54-55a).
Jesus returned with his parents to Nazaret and obediently lived
there with them. His mother kept all these things carefully in her
heart. Jesus grew in wisdom, in stature and in grace before God and men.
Jesus, returning to His Homeland, taught in the Synagogue, in such
a way that amazed people say: " Isn't
this the carpenter's son"?.
Meditation: A family is also governed by the wise, attentive
and affectionate presence of the father. The dialogue among parents and
children and praying together will help the family to find
and carry out the project of God.
(Our Father, 10 Hail Mary, Glory.
Fifth mystery: we contemplate Saint
OBSERVANT of religious celebrations.
(Lc. 2, 41-43
parents went every year to Jerusalem on Easter. When the boy was twelve
years old, they ascended as always and being the feast over, Mary and Joseph
returned not knowing that Jesus remained in Jerusalem."
Meditation: The religion must be lived *together*
in family. Parents should not say to their children: "Go to mass..., go
to the church..., go to confession..., pray!". Parents should say : "Let's
go to mass, to confess, etc... The family life is a communion life,
must be felt and lived in communitily, with strength.
(Our Father, 10 Hail Mary, Glory. )
