Lord, have mercy. | Solicitous protector of Christ.- Pray for us. |
Christ, have mercy. | Head of the Sacred Family.- Pray for us. |
Lord, have mercy. | Joseph, the most righteous.- Pray for us. |
Christ, hear us. | Joseph, the most chaste.- Pray for us. |
Christ, graciously hear us. | Joseph, the most prudent.- Pray for us. |
God, the Father of heaven.- Have mercy on us. | Joseph, the strongest.- Pray for us. |
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world.- Have mercy on us. | Joseph, the most obedient.- Pray for us. |
God, the Holy Spirit.- Have mercy on us. | Joseph, the most faithful.- Pray for us. |
Holy Trinity, one God.- Have mercy on us. | Mirror of forbearance.- Pray for us. |
Saint Mary. - Pray for us. | Paragon of poverty.- Pray for us. |
Saint Joseph.- Pray for us. | Example to workers.- Pray for us. |
Illustrious descendant of David.- Pray for us. | Model of domestic life.- Pray for us. |
Luminary of the Patriarchs.- Pray for us. | Custodian of Virgins.- Pray for us. |
Husband of the Mother of God.- Pray for us. | Sanctuary of the families.- Pray for us. |
Chaste custodian of the Virgin.- Pray for us. | Consolation of the distressed.- Pray for us. |
Nutritious father of the Son of God.- Pray for us. | Hope of the sick.- Pray for us. |
Defender of dying people.- Pray for us. |
Terror of demons. - Pray for us. |
Protector of the Holy Church.- Pray for us. |
Ordered to insert Saint Joseph feast day in the Mass book and in the
GREGORY XV: Decreed to celebrate Saint Joseph feast day as a holy day of obligation and precept. BENEDICT XII: Included Saint Joseph name in Letanies. PIUS XI:
Sets the working classes under the protection