N° 1.-

Sing your glory heavenly music
you, who share with pure Mary
the awesome genealogy
from the Gospel.
Virginal husband of Virgin Mary
in whom God Himself rested his office
humble replication of the Father,
nutritional father.
Last ring from the prophecies
Oh!, New Covenant patriarch!
In your arms slept the Messiah,
our sweet Hope.
Protect the church that represents
the pure and motherly Mary
keep it intact, firm and in love
of Holy Eucharist.
Glory to God the Father that in
you rest
Glory to God the Son that was on
you trusted
Glory to God the Holy Spirit that
set your life
For the BELOVED.
N° 2.-

Listen to a tale
so wonderful as this:
a father that didn't beget
a Son Another gives Life.
A man that feeds
the same One that Feeds him
raises the One that raises him
nourishes the One that Nourishes him.
Rule over his own son and Master
and by His Son God is ruled
his housewife is a slave
and his wife is a Queen.
Jealousy had and trust
knowledge and suspicions
risks and security
needs and wealth were his.
He had everything
that can be called good
and is of Mary husband
and of God, His father on earth.
N° 3.-

Oh, fortunate this day
that Joseph, sweet fate,
between Jesus and Mary
pay tribute to death.
He had in earth his Heaven
as a special grace given,
with the Virgin, his consolation
was to serve the Christ.
With utmost delight
the saints will hail him
taking the good news
to Abraham bosom.
If large was the agony
that suffered in incarnation
immense will be the joy
in the resurrection.
May the Lord in our time
concedes us to have his favor
and merciful reach us the grace
to see our Redeemer.
That in Jesus, Joseph and Mary,
splendor of humankind,
shine your harmony
Oh! undivided Trinity.
N° 4.-

Calling the world to work
the morning dawn
hails, to hammer's blows,
the house in Nazareth.
Greetings, head of family
from whose sweaty hands
the Divine Maker
copy the craftsman's work.
In heaven summit
with your stainless wife
listen to your faithful servants
immersed in sufferings.
Change away hardships
into good and gains
suffice to all live
in happy and humble leisure.
By you, Joseph, the
Highest Lord
led our steps
in peaceful and holy joy
on the paths of Paradise.
N° 5.-

May the celestial armies praise
and all the Christians sing your
oh, eminent Joseph, that was given
to the Virgin in caste marriage.
When learnt of her pregnancy, you
and doubt distressed your
deep core
but an Angel from Heaven disclosed
to you
that the conceived Child was from
the Holy Spirit.
You held the Lord when He was born
and then fled with Him to Egyptian
then in Jerusalem found Him missing
and when recovered you cried in
Happier than other blissful ones
than can see God after death
you, by a mysterious privilege
from this same life could see Him.
By this Saint, Holy Trinity
let us ascent to holy paradise
and our gratefulness will show
with the fervor of an eternal song.