The Pious Union of the Transit of Saint Joseph or * Holy Crusade* to help dying people, was founded by Blessed Luis Guanella, and is dedicated to: 1.-Obtain, by means of Saint Joseph intercession, the grace of a holy and peaceful death for all those people who are agonizing each day, introducing into Christianity the pious custom to help dying people to die in sanctity with prayers and good deeds. 2.-Intensify
spread all over the world the devotion to Saint Joseph. This
1.- Register the name in the Pious Union registry. 2.- Pray in the morning and at night this prayer: "Glorious Saint Joseph, adoptive father of the Son of God and true husband of the Holy Virgin Mary, pray for us and for our brothers that agonize in this day/night".- RECOMMENDATIONS: 1.- Participants must frequently offer their good works, prayers and and sacrifices on behalf of dying people. 2.- They must celebrate Saint Joseph's Feast with a Novena or a Triduum; practice some special devotion on Wednesdays, day consecrated to Saint Joseph cult. 3.- At the moment of inscription to the Pious Union they must give an alms for works in the parish to a church dedicated to Saint Joseph. 4.-Also is a good practice to ask friends and relatives to become members of the Crusade. 5.-It is advised to subscribe and read the magazine
*Saint Joseph*, published in Spanish by the Pious Union of Transit.
Address and Administration:
Parroquia Tránsito de San José
is a need for good living, but there is a major need for a good death.
A good death is everything a human being should ask, specially nowadays
when people only think in material things and in having a good time here
on Earth, rejecting eternity."