 Month in honor of Saint Joseph
(Thoughts and invocations)

Day 1: Adoptive father of Jesus. Chosen gratuitously by the Eternal Father with provident love to be custodian and defender of Jesus, O Saint Joseph, you enter fully in the project of  Salvation, according to the promises made by God to the Hebrew people. Help me, Saint Joseph, to read today, with love, the Gospel that describes Jesus' genealogy.

Day 2: Jesus custodian. During Jesus' terrestrial life, O Saint Joseph, you have not worried about making big things but to make the will of God with zeal and love, even in the simplest and humblest things. Teach me, O Saint Joseph, readiness to look for and to carry out the will of God. 

Day 3: Husband of the Mother of God.  After the initial doubts, O Saint Joseph, your yes to the will of God was clear and precise, accepting Mary as wife. Then, because of you, Jesus entered in the genealogy of David with full right before the law and society. We put in your custody, O Saint Joseph, all the parents so that following your example they accept the invaluable gift of  human life.

Day 4: The man of silence. You were used to silence, O Saint Joseph, being with Jesus and Mary. The house of Nazareth was a temple and in a temple, we pray!.  Teach me, O Saint Joseph, to dominate my loquacity and to cultivate a quiet spirit. 

Day 5: Man of faith. More than Abraham, O Saint Joseph, your faith was tried in what is humanly unthinkable: the maternity of a virgin, the incarnation of the Son of God. Fortify, O Saint Joseph, the disheartened souls and open our hearts to trust in the Providence of  God.

Day 6: Man of hope. In Jesus' person, O Saint Joseph, you had the guarantee of heaven and, therefore, you always were filled with a deep interior peace. Increase, O Saint Joseph, my reasons to be courageous and feed the oil for my lamps.

Day 7: Man that loves God. O Saint Joseph, you demonstrated your love for God taking loving care of Jesus in hidden life and in deep concordance with the will of God. Teach me, O Saint Joseph, to love God with all my heart, with all my mind and with all my strength.

Day 8: Man of welcome.O Saint Joseph, you showed your spirit of welcome in the affectionate fondness with which you received your wife; in the services given to people; and being always beside Jesus, the Savior of our souls. O Saint Joseph, may I discover those acts that transform me in a living image of God's love, the welcome and  peace actions and the acts of readiness and of unconditional dedication!.

Day 9: Man of the discernment. With the eyes of the soul, O Saint Joseph, you  arranged your life of piety, your work, your nourishment, your rest, your deeper thoughts, your affections, your trials, your intentions in deeds, help me to advance in virtue by the action of the Holy Spirit that renovates the life in people and communities.

Day 10: Man of docility. Saint Thomas defines the docility as a constant and deferential attention to the teachings of the sages. You, O Joseph, always were very docile to the teachings of Jesus and of María, His Mother.  Take away from us, O Saint José, the presumption, the baseless overrating of our opinions and the obstinacy of following our ideas.

Day 11: Man of abnegation. You, O Saint Joseph, never wasted time in vain and useless things and you didn't work with displeasure or ill will. Help me, O Saint Joseph, in prayer, not to allow my soul to be tepid and help me reach a habitual disposition and fervor in my life.

Day 12: Man of simplicity. This virtue O Saint Joseph, was part of your character and every day was perfected by your adherence to God. Help me, O Saint Joseph, to adhere and  love only God and to leave out all that is not good for my spiritual life.

Day 13: Man of confidence. Your security O Saint Joseph, was in attaching your will to the will of God as was manifested day after day. Make, O Saint Joseph, that we have  the security of those who trust God,and that in all situations, even adverse, we rest meekly  in His hands. 

Day 14: Man of peace. You, Joseph, were the custodian of He who brought  peace to the world and preached love, fraternity and  union. He who proclaimed " happy those that work for peace". O Saint Joseph, help me to promote peace where I live and work.

Day 15: Example of humility. You felt small in your own eyes, O Saint Joseph!, how you loved your littleness!. You didn't make miracles and you maintained your life so hidden that almost nothing is known about you. Help me, O Saint Joseph, to run away from  commendations and of  human glory. Make that I find pleasure in living hidden and not follow my personal interest.

Day 16: Example of strength.   O Saint Joseph, your strength reached a very high degree of perfection . It was particularly shown in bearing with serenity the exile in Egypt and the hardness of the work of every day. Help me O Saint Joseph, not  to yield in front of  temptations, fatigues and sufferings.

Day 17: Example of obedience. Your obedience, O Saint Joseph, was admirable, especially when you had to escape to Egypt, after an order that you had so many reasons for not carrying out.  Take away from me, O Saint Joseph, all the excuses that my selfishness outlines not to fulfil God's will.

Day 18: Example of justice. Living far from the things of the world, O Saint Joseph, you always practiced the virtue of  justice especially through your work of carpenter. Always with respect and love towards the King and the Queen of Heaven! Help me reach, O Saint Joseph, total purity of intentions and of heart and full adhesion to God and His will.

Day 19: Example of wisdom. Your wisdom, O Saint Joseph, was shown in  your indifference for the world, in chastity, in  poverty, in your poverty of spirit and in the dedication to the work of every day.  Make, O Saint Joseph that I don't make anything without confirming "that it serves  for eternity".

Day 20: Example of poverty. O Saint Joseph, you  that lived voluntary poverty, you that suffered the privations and the sorrows of  poverty, never wanted to change your condition for any treasure of this world. Help me, O Saint Joseph, to get the grace of detachment from the world's wealth and only search for the eternal good.

Day 21: Example of gratitude. Nobody except your Wife, O Saint Joseph, received as much as you, from God's kindness. In your justice you gave God ceaseless thanks. You were always in His presence, He was always in your thoughts; you didn't work but for Him.  Make, O Saint Joseph that I feel ashamed of my ingratitudes and be humble before Him.

Day 22: Example to workers. As all of us, also you, O Saint Joseph, tasted  fatigue, and the weariness of every day´s work. Help me, O Saint Joseph, to rediscover the dignity of work and realize it with enthusiasm and good will.

Day 23: Example of missionaries. O, Saint Joseph, how great was your love for all the souls! How many prayers made for their salvation! And all that inspired by Christ that would die for the salvation of the world!. Make, O Saint Joseph that I could, with words and deeds help people to find Jesus, the Word that  give definitive answer to man's essential questions.

Day 24: Guardian of virginity. The Voice of the Holy Spirit found in you, O Saint Joseph total welcome, because your life was filled of  God and your force was only the love that you had for Him. Make, O Saint Joseph, that I leave my ways and follow only God that  calls me to participate of His life, and that I can make fructify His gifts.

Day 25: Comforter of sufferers. O Saint Joseph, all your life was marked by suffering: exile, work, poverty. But your heart was happy and your soul always serene. Help me O Saint Joseph, to realize that eternal  life and not  pain is man's true vocation. Preserve me now and always from the crying of those that don't have hope.

Day 26: Hope for the ailing people. In your life, O Saint Joseph, not everything was clear and easy of understanding. However you knew how to find your unique and irrepetible mission in history. I request from you, O Saitn Joseph, to comfort all those persons that are afflicted by illnesses. Fill their days with  friendly and helpful people .

Day 27: Patron of dying people.  O Saint Joseph, you had the luck to die attended by Jesus and your wife María. You always had present in your life the final goal:  Heaven , with the certainty  of  reaching  it;  always  attentive  to  your  interior  life  and  dedicated  to contemplation . Help me, O Saint Joseph, to often think of heaven where we all are invited to the eternal banquet.

Day 28: Help for families. O Saint Joseph, the Gospel affirms that at your side and María's, Jesus "grew in age, wisdom and grace". I request from you, O Saint Joseph that children find in their families the ideal atmosphere to develop love and learn to keep real truth in their hearts.

Day 29: Domestic life model. O, Saint Joseph, you fully took your responsibility in the Family of Nazaret with spirit of collaboration and of evangelical humility.  Make, O Saint Joseph that parents know how to unite all the potential of human love to those of a healthy  and appropriate spirituality.

Day 30: Terror of demons. O Saint Joseph, fortified by the presence and the memory of Jesus you have been able to always conquer any attack against your faith by the demon. Clean,  O  Saint  Joseph,  my  heart  and  my  mind  of  all  wickedness so that I be a true Christian in my life redeemed by the blood of Christ.

Day 31: Patron of the Universal church. O Saint Joseph, for the mission that  was given  to you: that Christ's church always walk in truth and love, being light of the world.  Guide O Saint Joseph, the Church of Christ on the way to sanctity so that it is always more effective and cheerful proclaimer of the Gospel.

Josefinos of Murialdo,  Buenos Aires, Argentina.
                                                                                                   Free and own translation.
